QCarbo16 To Pass Drug Test In 2024? Best’n’Worst Reviews - Stoners Retreat (2024)

When you’re looking for the bestdetox drinksto pass a drug test, QCarbo16 comes up sooner or later as one of the more popular herbal clean detox drinks for weed.

But how good itactuallyis?Does QCarbo16 really work for adrug test?

TheQCarbo16 instructions are surprisingly simple: just drink the bottle of QCarbo16 before adrug test (it should work for 2 days) and you’ll pass the drug test.

With being so popular, this detox cleansingdrinkshould work for everybody, right? Well…

Yes and no.

If you haveone look at herbal clean QCarbo16 reviewson Amazon, you can see two things:

  • Abouthalf the people(54%) justlove taking QCarbo16before a drug test and pass the test.
  • Roughlythe other half (32%)obviously took the detox drink before a drug test anddidn’t pass.

So which one is it?Does herbal clean QCarbo 16 work for adrug test or not?

Surely if everybody would pass a drug test with QCarbo16 there would be 100% of 5-star reviews.

And if nobody would pass? I would expect 100% of 1-star reviews.

The truth is somewhere in between – it does help a bit but it cannot guarantee you to pass a drug test. In a sense, it’s not acomplete THC detox method.

We’ll go through the best and the worst QCarbo16 reviews but one thing is clear –QCarbo16 doesnotguarantee you to pass a drug test.

As it’s pointed out many times, there are only two things that will guarantee you to pass a drug test (and have been tested over and over again):

  1. All-In-One Detox:This consistsnot onlyof detox drink like QCarbo16 but is acomplete detox programwith the trio of detoxpills,drinks, anddietary fibers. Toxin Rid line is the mostreliablesuch detox – you can read more about it at ourToxin Rid detox review.
  2. Synthetic Urine:Basically lab-made urine that performsexactly like clean urinein a drug test. It’s usually the most common way for us stoners to pass a drug test. The only problem ishow to heat it upto the body temperature but some next-gen synthetic urines like Sub-Solution comes with avial that heats it upin no time.

I’ve made a summary ofbestQCarbo16 reviewsandworstQCarbo16 reviewsto figure out if this detox drink really makes you pass a drug test.

My first opinion:QCarbo16 doesn’t work! I’ll go into this at the end but will let you guys make your opinion about it first.

My findings:For some people QCarbo16 actually does work!

I’m quiteimpressedby these findings to tell you the truth. I was ratherskeptical at herbal clean QCarbo16 at first(because come on, herbal drink? But then again weed is a herb and we all know it has an effect on us) but it turns out that yourchances of passing a drug test are better if you drink QCarbo 16before a drug test.

Needless to say, everything said about QCarbo16 is relevant for its big brothers QCarbo20 and QCarbo32 as well. The only difference is the dosage – 16 oz., 20 oz. or 32 oz. – the ingredients are the same.

The good thing when buying a QCarbo32 is that it might betwice the size of QCarbo16, but it’snottwice the cost– I think it’s like 10 dollars difference.

Herbal Clean QCarbo16 – Does It Work?

Here is my disclaimer:Unlike synthetic urine or Toxin Rid line (I use and trust, and it does havevery good reviews), Ihaven’t used QCarbo16 personally. However, given this is believed to be a top choice for passing a drug test, I’ve gathered someinteresting QCarbo16 reviews from all over the net.


Simple because we all want toget a clear picture if QCarbo16 does work for passing a drug test; or even better,in what casesdoes herbal clean QCarbo 16 work for adrug test (obviously it doesn’t work for everybody).

What Is QCarbo16 drink anyway?

In short, it is a detox drink. There are, however, two kinds of detox drinks:

  1. Cleansing detox drinks. Something like cranberry juice; they work by increasing toxin excretion by urination over a longer period of time (days, if not weeks).
  2. Masking detox drinks. These flush out THC out of your system and create a period of time wherein you’re less likely to fail a drug test. These are same-day detox drinks.

Obviously, Herbal Clean QCarbo16 is a masking same-day detox drink. Looking at the instructions, here is how you use this detox drink:

  1. Drink the entire 16 oz bottle within 5 hours of a drug test.
  2. Fill the bottle again with water, and drink all of it again.
  3. For an hour or so, there will be a rapid increase in urination. Translation: you’ll pee like your life is at stake (and it might even be).
  4. After the first hour, you should take a drug test within the next 4 hours. This is the time period in which your urine should contain significantly fewer toxins.

The step-by-step instructions give us a clear insight into what the Herbal Clean detox drinkis supposed to do.

It effectively decreases the toxins such as THC from your urine and blood by almost forcefully peeing it out.

Of course, the THC stored in fat cells will try to redistribute itself from fat tissue into the bloodstream again. And after a while, those toxins will be detectable in the urine again.

And that’s exactly the point! During that time period, the urine should contain considerably fewer toxins.

How long does QCarbo16 last?

For about 4 hours. Take a drug test before that or after that time period, and you might be in bigger problems than within those 4 hours.

But by how much does concentration of let’s say THC decreases during that period – by 1 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml or 100 ng/ml? That is really hard, if not impossible, to say. Only a clinical study could evaluate how significant drop in urine THC concentration does Herbal Clean detox drink make. But we don’t have one of those in a file somewhere.

Alternatively, let’s look at the ingredients of QCarbo16 to see if everything checks out for the pee-toxins-out-for-some-hours scenario.

What Is Herbal Clean made of?

Obviously, it is a herbal cleansing drink made out of herbs.

Looking at the label, one thing is for sure: this Herbal Clean detox is sweet. It has pretty much the same sugar content as Coca-Cola.

We’ll look at every ingredient the QCarbo16 is made of (including the Eliminex Brand) and try to figure out why it is added and why it would increase our chances of passing a drug test:

  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2). Herbal Clean contains a whopping 20 mg of Vitamin B2; that is 10 times more than a recommended daily intake of Riboflavin. Vitamin B2 is regularly added to detox drinks to bring the yellow color back to the diluted urine. According to a study published in Drug and alcohol dependence, the researchers found out that adding Vitamin B2 can be used to determine apatient’s medication adherence.
  • Creatinine Monohydrate. Drug tests measure for creatinine concentration; increased urination will dilute the urine and decrease its creatinine content. WebMD reports thatcreatinine clearanceis 95-120 milliliters per minute. Detox drinks usually come with added creatinine monohydrate or creatinine monophosphate to bring the creatinine clearance levels up into the optimum (and non-suspicious) range.
  • Dandelion root and leaf extract. Dandelion is a well-known herbal detox preparation. Most of the natural detox remedies includedandelion rootas well as leaf extract because of it’s presumed diuretic action. Much like drinking caffeinated beverages, the dandelion root is likely to increase the production of urine. An article published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine shows that the frequency of urination was significantly increased by all of the 17 people who ingested dandelion leaf extract.
  • Turmeric root extract. It containsmolecule curcuminthat gives curry it’s yellow color. In detox drinks it’s used to color the urine yellow; of course, Vitamin B2 should do that job just fine. However, if laboratories are testing for high Vitamin B2 content, it’s better to use turmeric root extract in combination with B2. That’s how you need to add less of B2 and the concentration of Vitamin B12 will not be above normal on a urine test.
  • Juniper berry extract. In some studies, the ingestion of juniper berries or juniper essential oils is connected with a diuretic effect. According toDrugs.com, in classical use, 2 to 10 grams of juniper berries are used.
  • Echinacea purpurealeaf extract. Echinacea is a well-known medicinal herb that is usually connected to effects on the immune system. Why it is included in the Herbal Clean is not absolutely clear.
  • Ginger root. According toMedical News Today, ginger root can help with digestion by “stimulating bile production”. Toxin such as THC has to go through the liver in order to become more soluble in blood and urine. Bile excretes THC in the liver before it can go on to the kidneys and into the urine. By increasing bile production, the reappearance of THC in the urine can be prolonged. Maybe that’s why ginger root is used.
  • Licorice root extract. It is not completely clear why herbal licorice extract would be used in QCarbo16. One research published in theAAPS Journalinvestigated its effect on the key cytochrome in the liver – the P450. If, for example, the P450 is metabolizing licorice root extract compounds, it’s ability to metabolize THC can be decreased. The effect would be that we’ll find a lower concentration of THC in the urine. Of course, such action as the action of all herbal extracts in the QCarbo16 can have side effects.
  • Milk thistle seed extract. According toDr. Axe, milk thistle a “powerful liver cleanser”. A large portion of different liver detoxification natural supplements contains milk thistle extracts. However, we cannot with any certainty determine why it would help to pass a drug test. In fact, if it lifts the liver activity, the more of THC from fat cells would be transformed by the liver into a water-soluble state (THC-COOH) and this would, in turn, increase the concentration of the toxins in the urine.
  • Uva ursi leaf extract. Uva ursi is commonly connected with the urinary tract infection. Tea made out of uva ursi leaf is a natural herbal remedy and including its extract in Herbal Clean is probably due to its diuretic effect.
  • Ligustrum berryextract. It is unclear why ligustrum extract is used. WebMD lists “liver problems” among the uses of this herb. Maybe it’s effect on the liver is somehow beneficial as far as drug testing is concerned.
  • Corn silk extract. Similarly to uva ursi extract, corn silk extract is associated with bladder and urinary tract infections. Here is an article that onside effects of corn silk extract.
  • Apple pectin. Pectin is arguably one of the most important ingredients of Herbal Clean QCarbo16. Pectins are basically fruit fibers that are most well known as an ingredient to make jam. It is considered the universal detoxification substance used in Certo and Sure Gel detox methods.
  • Guarana seedextract. Guarana is a source of natural caffeine; a substance that is a well-known diuretic. We find it in green tea, coffee, and many other drinks but it’s quite clear that it is included in the QCarbo16 in order to increase urine production and elimination.

These are all the ingredients and it’s presumed functions.

Let’s start with the best reviews and then follow up with the worst reviews, shall we?

Best QCarbo 16 Reviews (more than 50% of users have such reviews)

With a product as popular as QCarbo line, it’s really not difficult to get reviews from people who havefirst-hand experience with QCarbo16 or QCarbo32.

Amazon QCarbo16 Positive Review

Amazon is where most peoplebuy QCarbo16 and it’s where you’ll find the most reviews.

You can see thatGabrielle claims that QCarbo16 does work, and for her, it did work onmultipleoccasions. What I like about this review is:

  • Making sure tofollow QCarbo16 instructions.
  • It doesmake you urinate moreif you drink plenty of water. Sounds like the weed (or other drugs) are being washed out of your system.

Two sound pieces of advice for using any detox drink.

QCarbo16 Review From Marijuana.com

Marijuana.comis a very credible source of information about weed and people there join a forum to share and discuss different things. One of them does QCarbo16 work for a drug test as well, obviously.

Here is a screenshot ofa story about a guy who passed a drug testusing a lot (and I mean a lot!) ofcranberry juice, andQCarbo 16.

I really like the story and am glad that the guy passed his drug test. Obviously, he used QCarbo 16 but he did gulp down a lot of cranberry juice as well. Both of things made him pee more so I guess that is weed going out of his system.

Thus far the herbal clean QCarbo16 looks pretty awesome, right?Just do bear in mind thatthese reviews are the positive ones. According to the Amazon rating, 43% of people who used QCarbo 16 didn’t like it one bit.

Let’s look at the other part of the spectrum.

Worst QCarbo16 Reviews (less than 50% of users have such reviews)

Every product has bad reviews as well andQCarbo16 is not an exception.

Theabsolute worst reviewI found was on thedrugs-forum.com, a well-known weed forum.

Yeah. If you think that losing your jobis the worst thing that can happen when failing a drug test – think again.

Albeit Percocet does includeoxycodone, a strong opiate, and if you’ve tested positive for the opiate abuse you can get a week of jail time as well. The law is, of course, not as strict for weed.

My Theory for QCarbo 16 (works as a final push)

Reading through the reviews, I noticed that more than half of people (51%) were happy with QCarbo16 and less than half (43%) was not.

This is probably because51% of people passeda drug test by drinking QCarbo 16 before a drug test and43% didn’t(and lots a job or even got jail time).

If we look atpassing weed drug test(weed is the #1 illegal substance people test positive for on a drug test), you can see thatmore than halfwould testpositiveif they were to smoke a joint 1-10 days before a drug test.

As I’ve stated earlier, I find these findings quite impressive! Obviously, you havea better chance to pass a drug test with QCarbo16 than without.

It also isn’t one of those ‘well, it can’t hurt detoxes’, it doesactuallyhelp some people.

Here is my take on why it helps some people– because they arereally close to testing negative on a drug testanyway. In1 or 2 days, the drugs would be flushed out by the system itself. However,QCarbo16 makes you pee quite a lot and you eliminate the drugsthat would be eliminated in 1-2 days after the drug test.

Positive Outlook on QCarbo16 (Surprising But Effective Last Resort)

Maybe not a big difference, but adecisiveone: with QCarbo16 some people can pass a drug test.

As a general rule, if you have a week, the5-Day Toxin Ridis still the best solution to passing a drug test. I would useQCarbo16 as a last resort, butsurprisingly an effective one.

The same principle goes for QCarbo20 and QCarbo32. Those are just bigger doses you have to get if you are:

  • Heavy user.The more THC you get in your system, the more you have to flush out.
  • Being overweight.The more weight you have, the more THC is stored inside your body, hence the bigger does of detox drink to get weed or other drugs out of your system.

Scientific Research And Sources:

(1)Herron AJ, Mariani JJ, Pavlicova M, et al. Assessment of Riboflavin as a Tracer Substance: Comparison of a Qualitative to a Quantitative Method of Riboflavin Measurement. Drug and alcohol dependence. 2013;128(1-2):77-82.

(2)Clare BA, Conroy RS, Spelman K. The Diuretic Effect in Human Subjects of an Extract of Taraxacum officinale Folium over a Single Day. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2009;15(8):929-934.

(3)Nagpal M, Sood S. Role of curcumin in systemic and oral health: An overview.Journal of Natural Science, Biology, and Medicine. 2013;4(1):3-7.

(4)Gustafson C. Mark Blumenthal: Quality and Efficacy of Herbal Medicines.Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal. 2015;14(4):54-59.

(5)Manayi A, Vazirian M, Saeidnia S. Echinacea purpurea: Pharmacology, phytochemistry and analysis methods. Pharmacognosy Reviews. 2015;9(17):63-72.

(6)Qiao X, Ji S, Yu S, et al. Identification of Key Licorice Constituents Which Interact with Cytochrome P450: Evaluation by LC/MS/MS co*cktail Assay and Metabolic Profiling.The AAPS Journal. 2014;16(1):101-113.

(7)Siegel AB, Stebbing J. Milk thistle: early seeds of potential.The lancet oncology. 2013;14(10):929-930.

(8)Trill J, Simpson C, Webley F, et al. Uva-ursi extract and ibuprofen as alternative treatments of adult female urinary tract infection (ATAFUTI): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.Trials. 2017;18:421.

(9)Ha AW, Kang HJ, Kim SL, Kim MH, Kim WK. Acute and Subacute Toxicity Evaluation of Corn Silk Extract.Preventive Nutrition and Food Science. 2018;23(1):70-76.

(10)Moustakas D, Mezzio M, Rodriguez BR, Constable MA, Mulligan ME, Voura EB. Guarana Provides Additional Stimulation over Caffeine Alone in the Planarian Model. Holscher C, ed.PLoS ONE. 2015;10(4):e0123310.

QCarbo16 To Pass Drug Test In 2024? Best’n’Worst Reviews - Stoners Retreat (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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