How to Make Ginger Tea Even Better With 6 Recipe Variations (2024)

Your nose is stuffy, your energy levels are low and you're ready to call it quits. It's times like these when you need to a hot, strong tea to rescue the day. The perfect candidate for the job is ginger tea.

As a spice, ginger lends a hot and spicy flavor. Many enjoy the heat surging through their nose and throat when consuming a ginger-laden food. The hot and spicy flavor of ginger translates well to ginger tea, which is a popular beverage in nearly every culture, including those in the Middle East and the Asian continent — particularly in south Asia and Southeast Asia. Ginger tea is also a popular remedy for motion sickness and nausea.

The best part is that ginger tea is quick, easy to make and highly affordable. In this post, we'll be showing you how to make the best homemade ginger tea in 6 tasty variations to help make this spicy tea even more interesting.

The History and Origin of Ginger

Ginger is a member of the same family of plants as cardamom and turmeric, which also make lovely teas. Ginger's name comes from the Middle English gingivere, but this spice dates back over 3000 years to the Sanskrit word srngaveram, meaning “horn root.” Interestingly, ginger does not grow in the wild and its natural origins are uncertain. Ginger is now primarily cultivated in the humid tropics, with India being the largest producer.

Ginger was used as a flavoring agent long before history was formally recorded. The Indians and Chinese used ginger as a tonic for over 5,000 years. It was traded from India into the Roman Empire 2,000 years ago, where it was valued for its medicinal properties.

In the thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Europe, ginger was incredibly expensive. The cost of a pound of ginger was equivalent to the cost of a sheep. During medieval times, ginger was imported in preserved form to be used in sweets. Today, you can find ginger in a variety of popular treats, including gingerbread cookies, ginger sticks and ginger chews.

The Healing Properties of Ginger

How to Make Ginger Tea Even Better With 6 Recipe Variations (1)

Ginger has been used since ancient times to treat colds, fevers and digestive problems. It's popular in holistic circles including Ayurveda and more and more physicians are recommending the root to treat mild discomfort. Here are a few health benefits of ginger tea backed by science.

Motion Sickness

Consuming or smelling ginger is a folk prescription for dealing with motion sickness. A study using ginger to treat motion sickness was performed with 80 naval cadets. These cadets were new to sailing and were particularly susceptible to the motion sickness that comes with traveling through turbulent waters. They tested a placebo pill against a 1 gram ginger pill every 4 hours and asked the cadets how they were feeling. Those taking the ginger pill reported improved symptoms versus those only taking the placebo (1).

Nausea and Vomiting

Ginger is famous for helping to soothe tummy problems including nausea. Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms for many illnesses. A large review of studies looking at ginger's ability to reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnancy found that in over 675 research subjects, ginger was effective at controlling nausea with no adverse side effects (2).

This is great news for anyone trying to control an upset stomach, whether or not you are expecting a baby. Ginger can also be helpful for other stomach ailments, including indigestion and bloating.

Anti-Inflammatory and Flu Relief

Ginger contains a variety of compounds that help decrease inflammation, which is the root cause of many illnesses. For example, the flu's unpleasant symptoms can be partly attributed to the overactive inflammation of the body's immune response (3). Ginger tea can help soothe other flu symptoms like coughing, heartburn, achy muscles and headaches.Compounds in ginger including shogaol and gingerol work to increase blood circulation, thus decreasing inflammation and pain.

The Easiest Ginger Tea Recipe

If you're short on time, the best option for brewing up a cup of ginger tea is with high-quality, ready-made ginger tea. This saves a lot of time, as you will not need to bother with prepping fresh ginger. The taste difference between fresh and dried ginger is subtle, and many prefer the taste of dried ginger as it's a little less spicy. Using dried ginger is a better alternative to using ginger tea bags, which will often yield a flat and chalky brew.

To prepare dried ginger tea:

  1. Bring water to boil.
  2. If you want a stronger ginger tea, use 2 heaping teaspoons of ginger for each serving. Use 1 heaping teaspoon for a more mellow brew.
  3. Pour the boiling water over your dried ginger pieces.
  4. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes.
  5. Enjoy.

Fresh Ginger Root Tea Recipe

If you've got more time and a few inches of ginger root available, making ginger tea from fresh pieces of ginger is a vibrant option. For this, you'll need a few extra pieces of equipment: a sharp knife, a grater or zester, and a strainer.

Some people like to crush the ginger into a fine paste or juice and add it to hot water. This makes steeping time shorter but adds more prep time and increases total time and effort.


  • 1 2-inch piece of ginger
  • 2 cups water
  • lemon slices (optional)


  1. Peel a 2-inch piece of fresh ginger. The amount of ginger you add will make the tea stronger or weaker, so experiment with different amounts to find the right balance for you.
  2. Bring 2 cups of hot water to boil.
  3. Either cut the ginger into very fine slices or grate the fresh ginger roughly. Set aside your ginger aside while the water finishes boiling.
  4. Once water has reached a rolling boil in the teapot, remove from heat and immediately add the ginger slices or ginger powder.
  5. Put the lid on the pot and let the ginger steep for 10 minutes.
  6. Strain the tea into a large mug and enjoy. Add the juice of a few lemon slices to make lemon ginger tea.

How To Flavor Ginger Tea

If plain ginger tea isn't exciting enough for you, here are some pairings and preparations to elevate your ginger tea.

Apple and Cinnamon

Apple and cinnamon sweeten the ginger tea and accentuate its warming and comforting aspects. Place a few thin pieces of apple and a 1-inch cinnamon piece to brew with your fresh or dried ginger. You can also try adding a teaspoon of our Apple Spice Tea.

Lemon Juice

The acidity of lemon juice helps diminish the spiciness of ginger, and is also very soothing to sore throats. The added vitamin C can also help fend off the common cold. Simply squeeze a quarter of lemon into your cup of ginger tea before consuming.

Maple Syrup

If you love ginger ale, you'll love the sweetened version of ginger tea. With its rich taste profile, maple syrup is the ideal sweetener for ginger tea. You could also use honey or stevia.

Mint Iced Ginger Tea

This ginger tea variety is perfect for warm days when you need a boost without the heat. To prepare, let your ginger tea cool to room temperature and add ice cubes, or place your strained ginger tea into the fridge until cool. When cool, add a few sprigs of mint to your batch.

Cayenne Pepper

Not for ginger tea novices! If the spiciness of the ginger isn't enough, add a generous a sprinkle of cayenne pepper into your brewed ginger tea. This combination is sure to wake you up.

Turmeric Powder

Combine the healing powers of turmeric with ginger for a superfood tea. Simply add a 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a cup of brewed ginger tea for an exciting taste profile and an antioxidant-rich tea.


Turn your regular ginger tea into a full-on masala chai by adding a few extra ingredients. Chai can be made using a host of different spices though most easy recipes include five staple spices: cardamom, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger. Add a dash of buffalo milk for a creamy and indulgent texture that goes with traditional brewing techniques or opt for a vegan alternative with nut milk or coconut milk. You can also just use one of these spices — a cinnamon stick for example — to add flavor to a simple ginger tea recipe.

Spice Up Your Life With Ginger Tea

With so many benefits and possibilities, it's easy to see why hot ginger tea is one of the most commonly enjoyed teas in the world. Take your fresh ginger tea to the next level by adding green tea leaves or turning it into a smoothie. Serve it up with a few appetizers or enjoy an invigorating cup while enjoying your favorite book. Whether you've got a cold, a sweet tooth or simply love an extra kick in your cup, ginger tea is the tea for you.





Your nose is stuffy, your energy levels are low and you're ready to call it quits. It's times like these when you need to a hot, strong tea to rescue the day. The perfect candidate for the job is ginger tea.

As a spice, ginger lends a hot and spicy flavor. Many enjoy the heat surging through their nose and throat when consuming a ginger-laden food. The hot and spicy flavor of ginger translates well to ginger tea, which is a popular beverage in nearly every culture, including those in the Middle East and the Asian continent — particularly in south Asia and Southeast Asia. Ginger tea is also a popular remedy for motion sickness and nausea.

The best part is that ginger tea is quick, easy to make and highly affordable. In this post, we'll be showing you how to make the best homemade ginger tea in 6 tasty variations to help make this spicy tea even more interesting.

The History and Origin of Ginger

Ginger is a member of the same family of plants as cardamom and turmeric, which also make lovely teas. Ginger's name comes from the Middle English gingivere, but this spice dates back over 3000 years to the Sanskrit word srngaveram, meaning “horn root.” Interestingly, ginger does not grow in the wild and its natural origins are uncertain. Ginger is now primarily cultivated in the humid tropics, with India being the largest producer.

Ginger was used as a flavoring agent long before history was formally recorded. The Indians and Chinese used ginger as a tonic for over 5,000 years. It was traded from India into the Roman Empire 2,000 years ago, where it was valued for its medicinal properties.

In the thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Europe, ginger was incredibly expensive. The cost of a pound of ginger was equivalent to the cost of a sheep. During medieval times, ginger was imported in preserved form to be used in sweets. Today, you can find ginger in a variety of popular treats, including gingerbread cookies, ginger sticks and ginger chews.

The Healing Properties of Ginger

How to Make Ginger Tea Even Better With 6 Recipe Variations (2)

Ginger has been used since ancient times to treat colds, fevers and digestive problems. It's popular in holistic circles including Ayurveda and more and more physicians are recommending the root to treat mild discomfort. Here are a few health benefits of ginger tea backed by science.

Motion Sickness

Consuming or smelling ginger is a folk prescription for dealing with motion sickness. A study using ginger to treat motion sickness was performed with 80 naval cadets. These cadets were new to sailing and were particularly susceptible to the motion sickness that comes with traveling through turbulent waters. They tested a placebo pill against a 1 gram ginger pill every 4 hours and asked the cadets how they were feeling. Those taking the ginger pill reported improved symptoms versus those only taking the placebo (1).

Nausea and Vomiting

Ginger is famous for helping to soothe tummy problems including nausea. Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms for many illnesses. A large review of studies looking at ginger's ability to reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnancy found that in over 675 research subjects, ginger was effective at controlling nausea with no adverse side effects (2).

This is great news for anyone trying to control an upset stomach, whether or not you are expecting a baby. Ginger can also be helpful for other stomach ailments, including indigestion and bloating.

Anti-Inflammatory and Flu Relief

Ginger contains a variety of compounds that help decrease inflammation, which is the root cause of many illnesses. For example, the flu's unpleasant symptoms can be partly attributed to the overactive inflammation of the body's immune response (3). Ginger tea can help soothe other flu symptoms like coughing, heartburn, achy muscles and headaches.Compounds in ginger including shogaol and gingerol work to increase blood circulation, thus decreasing inflammation and pain.

The Easiest Ginger Tea Recipe

If you're short on time, the best option for brewing up a cup of ginger tea is with high-quality, ready-made ginger tea. This saves a lot of time, as you will not need to bother with prepping fresh ginger. The taste difference between fresh and dried ginger is subtle, and many prefer the taste of dried ginger as it's a little less spicy. Using dried ginger is a better alternative to using ginger tea bags, which will often yield a flat and chalky brew.

To prepare dried ginger tea:

  1. Bring water to boil.
  2. If you want a stronger ginger tea, use 2 heaping teaspoons of ginger for each serving. Use 1 heaping teaspoon for a more mellow brew.
  3. Pour the boiling water over your dried ginger pieces.
  4. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes.
  5. Enjoy.

Fresh Ginger Root Tea Recipe

If you've got more time and a few inches of ginger root available, making ginger tea from fresh pieces of ginger is a vibrant option. For this, you'll need a few extra pieces of equipment: a sharp knife, a grater or zester, and a strainer.

Some people like to crush the ginger into a fine paste or juice and add it to hot water. This makes steeping time shorter but adds more prep time and increases total time and effort.


  • 1 2-inch piece of ginger
  • 2 cups water
  • lemon slices (optional)


  1. Peel a 2-inch piece of fresh ginger. The amount of ginger you add will make the tea stronger or weaker, so experiment with different amounts to find the right balance for you.
  2. Bring 2 cups of hot water to boil.
  3. Either cut the ginger into very fine slices or grate the fresh ginger roughly. Set aside your ginger aside while the water finishes boiling.
  4. Once water has reached a rolling boil in the teapot, remove from heat and immediately add the ginger slices or ginger powder.
  5. Put the lid on the pot and let the ginger steep for 10 minutes.
  6. Strain the tea into a large mug and enjoy. Add the juice of a few lemon slices to make lemon ginger tea.

How To Flavor Ginger Tea

If plain ginger tea isn't exciting enough for you, here are some pairings and preparations to elevate your ginger tea.

Apple and Cinnamon

Apple and cinnamon sweeten the ginger tea and accentuate its warming and comforting aspects. Place a few thin pieces of apple and a 1-inch cinnamon piece to brew with your fresh or dried ginger. You can also try adding a teaspoon of our Apple Spice Tea.

Lemon Juice

The acidity of lemon juice helps diminish the spiciness of ginger, and is also very soothing to sore throats. The added vitamin C can also help fend off the common cold. Simply squeeze a quarter of lemon into your cup of ginger tea before consuming.

Maple Syrup

If you love ginger ale, you'll love the sweetened version of ginger tea. With its rich taste profile, maple syrup is the ideal sweetener for ginger tea. You could also use honey or stevia.

Mint Iced Ginger Tea

This ginger tea variety is perfect for warm days when you need a boost without the heat. To prepare, let your ginger tea cool to room temperature and add ice cubes, or place your strained ginger tea into the fridge until cool. When cool, add a few sprigs of mint to your batch.

Cayenne Pepper

Not for ginger tea novices! If the spiciness of the ginger isn't enough, add a generous a sprinkle of cayenne pepper into your brewed ginger tea. This combination is sure to wake you up.

Turmeric Powder

Combine the healing powers of turmeric with ginger for a superfood tea. Simply add a 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a cup of brewed ginger tea for an exciting taste profile and an antioxidant-rich tea.


Turn your regular ginger tea into a full-on masala chai by adding a few extra ingredients. Chai can be made using a host of different spices though most easy recipes include five staple spices: cardamom, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger. Add a dash of buffalo milk for a creamy and indulgent texture that goes with traditional brewing techniques or opt for a vegan alternative with nut milk or coconut milk. You can also just use one of these spices — a cinnamon stick for example — to add flavor to a simple ginger tea recipe.

Spice Up Your Life With Ginger Tea

With so many benefits and possibilities, it's easy to see why hot ginger tea is one of the most commonly enjoyed teas in the world. Take your fresh ginger tea to the next level by adding green tea leaves or turning it into a smoothie. Serve it up with a few appetizers or enjoy an invigorating cup while enjoying your favorite book. Whether you've got a cold, a sweet tooth or simply love an extra kick in your cup, ginger tea is the tea for you.





How to Make Ginger Tea Even Better With 6 Recipe Variations (2024)


What makes ginger tea taste better? ›

Lemon: Both lemon juice and lemon slices are used to add notes of citrus flavor. Turmeric: Just a pinch is all you'll need to add depth to the flavor and extra health benefits! Honey: Use as little or as much as you'd like to sweeten this ginger tea recipe to your taste.

How can I make ginger more effective? ›

To get all the goodness of the ginger, let the slices steep for at least 10 minutes. Ginger tea is a healthier alternative to ginger ale, ginger beer and other commercial canned or bottled ginger beverages. These drinks provide ginger's benefits, but many contain a lot of sugar.

What happened to your body when you drink ginger tea everyday? ›

Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can help maintain oral, skin, and hair health. It may reduce the visibility of scars and improve skin elasticity, providing anti-aging benefits. The antiseptic properties of this beverage make it an excellent dandruff treatment.

What not to mix with ginger tea? ›

Possible Interactions

Blood-thinning medications: Ginger may increase the risk of bleeding. Talk to your doctor before taking ginger if you take blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin), clopidogrel (Plavix), or aspirin. Diabetes medications: Ginger may lower blood sugar.

How can I enhance the taste of ginger? ›

Try one of these:
  1. Apple: The natural sweetness and tartness of apple complements the spicy warmth of ginger. ...
  2. Almond: Almond flavor pairs well with ginger, adding a nutty and slightly sweet element to ice cream. ...
  3. Cinnamon: Cinnamon enhances the spiciness of ginger and adds warmth and depth to confections.
Feb 19, 2024

Is it better to boil or steep ginger? ›

Once the ginger has boiled for at least ten minutes, it is technically ready to drink. But you will get so much more flavor from the ingredients if you allow it to steep longer.. This means leaving the ginger to soak in the hot water, releasing its flavors and aromas into the golden liquid.

What gives ginger its permanent taste? ›

The characteristic fragrance and flavor of ginger result from volatile oils that compose 1–3% of the weight of fresh ginger, primarily consisting of sesquiterpenes, such as beta-bisabolene and zingiberene, zingerone, shogaols, and gingerols with [6]-gingerol (1-[4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl]-5-hydroxy-3-decanone) as the ...

Can you overcook ginger tea? ›

You really can't overdo it, so feel free to add as much ginger as you want and keep it simmering for as long as you want.

What is the disadvantage of drinking ginger everyday? ›

It can cause mild side effects including heartburn, diarrhea, burping, and general stomach discomfort. Taking higher doses of 5 grams daily increases the risk for side effects. When applied to the skin: Ginger is possibly safe when used short-term.

Is too much ginger bad for the liver? ›

Fortunately, ginger is a food that has all the elements needed to prevent and treat liver problems. Experts suggest that ginger supplementation represents a new treatment strategy for NAFLD by improving the body's antioxidant activity, reducing inflammation and insulin resistance.

In what form is ginger the most effective? ›

The researchers determined that dried ginger, followed by fresh ginger and powdered ginger tea had the highest concentrations of gingerol. One study that the review analyzed included 576 adult cancer patients. The scientists found that doses of 0.5 grams (g) and 1.0 g were most effective at reducing nausea.

Why can't diabetics have ginger? ›

Can people living with diabetes safely consume ginger? While more research is necessary, some evidence suggests ginger may help manage blood sugar levels. As such, people with diabetes can safely consume ginger as part of a healthy eating plan.

How many cups of ginger tea a day is OK? ›

“You should check with your healthcare provider if you have a bleeding disorder, diabetes or a heart condition,” adds Henninger, “but otherwise, anyone can benefit from drinking [1-3 cups of] ginger tea per day.” Ginger tea is very simple to make and, in fact, you can buy ready-to-steep tea bags in most grocery stores.

What is the best ginger tea to drink? ›

Traditional Medicinals Organic Ginger

Traditional Medicinals Ginger tea has the purest ginger flavor of any of the ginger teas we tried in our comprehensive taste test. It has light floral undertones and tastes like fresh ginger steeped in water.

How do you reduce the taste of ginger in tea? ›

Pour the tea through a fine sieve to catch all of the ginger. If desired, serve your tea with a thin round of lemon or orange for some complementary acidity. You might also appreciate a light drizzle of honey or maple syrup, which will temper the fiery ginger flavor.

How should you drink ginger tea? ›

Ginger tea can be consumed at any time of day. It works well as a pick-me-up first thing in the morning, but you may also find it helps after a meal to ease digestion. You can add fresh lemon or honey, or buy different flavoured tea bags, such as lemon and ginger or ginger green tea.

Is it okay to put sugar in ginger tea? ›

As far as ingredients go, basically all you need is ginger root and boiling water, but there are plenty of ways to put your own twist on the recipe. Feel free to add honey or sugar to sweeten, lemon to give it a nice fresh taste, cinnamon stick or nutmeg for a bit of spice, etc.

Is ginger supposed to be Hot or Bitter? ›

Ginger has a spicy flavour, and an invigorating aroma. It produces a warming and fiery taste that gives an unmistakable and comforting kick. Ginger tastes spicy because of its chemical composition, specifically the compound gingerol, which creates its hot sensation.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.