Here is how you too can be swimming in Inferno weapons.
Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
- Mission 20: Melee at the Pier
- Mission 51: Grenade Demolitions Unit
- Mission 97: Collision on the Plains 1
- Mission 116: Today’s Plans
- Mission 117: Base 228 in Peril
- Mission 128.5: Town of Darkness
- Mission 136: The Giant God Comes Crashing
- Mission 144: The Next Day 4
Stock up on the most powerful weapons in Earth Defense Force 6 with our favorite farming maps. We’re newbies when it comes to farming, so learn what maps are best along with us.
Mission 20: Melee at the Pier
There are two types of items you’ll want to farm for in EDF6 – armor or weapons. Sometimes you’ll be farming for both, but most of the time we’ll jump into missions with one specific item in mind. And the first mission on our list is for true newbies. One of the earliest suitable farming maps is also really only good for very early game players that want to boost their armor stats.
This level consists of a giant army of red ants. You’ll have a team of snipers with you. Recruit them and move away from the pier while shooting at the horde. Staying inland is a helpful way to prevent the red ants from dropping items in the water where they’re harder to catch – and if you play on Easy, the AI can basically do all the work for you. At this early point in the game, you’ll only be able to play on Easy, Normal or Hard. On Easy you’ll keep everything, even if you die – that’s important because some levels can be incredibly good for item drops, and if you don’t have to worry about death, you can essentially farm items forever.
You can use this mission to farm for Armor crates or weapons if you’re feeling spicy and want to attempt it on Hard, but I recommend waiting until you get a little further in the game before you really start farming. There’s one mission that’s still relatively early that’s insanely good for farming at any stage of the game – and you don’t need powerful weapons to do it.
Mission 51: Grenade Demolitions Unit
One of the best missions for farming at any point of the game, this level is packed with Grenadier Androids. These are robots that blow themselves up with bombs – there are hordes of them in this map and they’re really easy to defeat. Let the horde come closer, then let loose. If you’ve got speed, you can literally bait them to blow themselves up then collect the reward. Even if you want to stand and fight, just keep shooting and collect up all the crates after the shooting stops – your allies will do a lot of work for you on any difficulty level.
This map is especially good for early Hard difficulty weapon farming. After beating the game and getting some strong weapons, you might want to circle back and try this on Hardest or even Inferno. On Inferno, three Frog Soldiers will spawn so you’ll need a long-range weapon to deal with them. Later in this guide we’ll cover a map that’s perfect for farming for Inferno weapons even if you’ve got very low Armor and no good weapons. Until you can shoot those frogs, you’re better off playing on Hardest.
Classes like the Wing Raider and Fencer can easily outrun the Grenadiers and speed away before they explode. Air Raiders and Rangers will need vehicles, but lots of Hard difficulty vehicle unlocks will do the trick here. When there’s just one or two giant Androids with purple bombs left, sprint around the arena and collect everything you can. If you’re quick you can finish this mission in about 5 minutes. That makes this one of the most efficient maps in the game for farming, but it isn’t the best for everything.
This map is also very good for Armor farming. Turn down the difficulty to Easy and nuke every enemy with powerful weapons fast. On Easy, you’re more likely to get Armor drops than Weapon crates – that’s why Easy difficulty is usually the best for Armor farming. Not always, but when you’re facing a giant army in an open field, the faster you can wipe them out and collect their drops, the better the level is for farming. And this is one of the best, even for Inferno farms late game.
Mission 97: Collision on the Plains 1
One of the best farming levels from EDF5 returns here – and it’s still very good for idle farming. In Mission 97, you’ll enter a giant battle against waves of aliens. You’ll have plenty of allies backing you up, including enormous Titan tanks and mechs that can win the fight all on their own. While this isn’t the most efficient farm, it is very good for players looking to earn Hard, Hardest or Inferno weapons.
On every difficulty level, your allies will win the fight on their own without your help. You can back away from the fight and wait for the area to clear, then rush in and grab all the gear you can. You’ll still want about 1,000 armor on higher difficulty levels just to avoid instantly dying, and there’s a big threat waiting at the end of the mission.
Before farming this level, I recommend farming Hard difficulty missions or above until you get a vehicle. The extra protection and item collection radius will really help. Focus on getting those green crates only and all the armor crates are just a bonus. On Inferno, this mission get pretty nuts – especially when the Kaiju spawn at the end. Stay far away from them and the other hordes of enemies and grab as much as you can.
Mission 116: Today’s Plans
One of the best missions for players with low level weapons and low armor, Mission 116 is the perfect Hardest or Inferno starting level. In this level you only have to fight a small number of Black Ants – the easiest enemies in the game. Even if they’re weak, they’re still very dangerous if you’re new to Hardest or Inferno difficulty and can kill you very quickly.
To speed up the level, immediately choose to restart after beginning. This will instantly skip the tutorial section and pair you with an NPC. During the first ant ambush, a squad will join you. These NPCs are invincible and can’t be defeated by aliens – let them do the brunt of the fighting for you. They’ll distract the enemies while you stand far behind them.
I recommend playing this level on Hardest to get some good basic weapons, then move on to Inferno. This is a later map, so you’ll be getting high quality weapon drops – even if the weapon drops are rare. If you’re lucky you can get about 8-to-10 weapon crate drops per run. The big benefit of this level is how easy it is – after a few encounters with ants, you’ll be able to pilot a mech suit. Use it to clear the hallway that’s very packed with enemies, which is the hardest encounter in the level. It’s okay if the mech is destroyed soon after the large wave, the next fights are much easier. Make sure to collect every green blip you see on the radar, as drops are low here. You won’t want to miss a single green crate.
Speaking of Hardest and Inferno, these difficulties don’t unlock until after you’ve finished the game at least once. Beat the story and the highest difficulties will be available for any mission, so you don’t need to slowly complete levels like in previous games, you can immediately jump straight into levels like this one. Even if you’re just looking for overpowered weapons for the endgame, this level is incredibly useful as a starting point for getting the gear you’ll need later.
Mission 117: Base 228 in Peril
The very next level is also a good one for farming due to the sheer volume of enemies – and they’ll spawn infinitely. This mission is incredibly difficult on Hardest or Inferno, so it’s much better for farming Armor – and you can farm a lot of it. Play on Easy or Normal. You’ll want overpowered weapons to make farming viable, and you’ll need something long-range.
In this level, your team leaves the EDF underground base and defends the surface area from invaders. Clear out the ants then take out the large hordes that appear. Once the wave with giant Queen Ants appear in the distance, pick off the huge bugs and prepare for the end. At the end of the mission, after destroying three waves of teleportation pylons, one final wave will appear. More than ten pylons will land simultaneously. Now the infinite farming can begin.
Duck into the bunker tunnel and shoot any ants that appear at the entrance. On Easy, many of the NPCs will probably be alive and still shooting ants. You can use those NPCs to your advantage and collect the items that drop or shoot the allies yourself to make funneling ants easier. On Hard, the ants are much more aggressive and will rush toward the bunker to attack. This can even be tricky on Normal. After a short period, a giant Barga mech will appear on a huge elevator platform. You can hop on and wipe out the remaining pylons pretty safely from the mech to end the level.
Mission 128.5: Town of Darkness
One of the trickier farming missions, but a good one for a very simple reason – you’ll have access to a free Nyx Mech. This is a dark mission, but you’ll have allies to help against the relatively low enemy count. If you can rush to the mech, the mission can be completed much, much easier. You can also take on each of the pylons in any order, slowly taking down enemies without getting overwhelmed. The Wing Diver or Fencer can rush to the free mech, but the Ranger can reach the area by summoning a helicopter early and flying there.
What really makes this mission special is that you can earn max level weapons. On Inferno difficulty, you can get Level 95 weapons. There’s a lot of enemies here, and you’ll need a lot of armor and good weapons before attempting it. Play earlier Inferno levels for quality weapons, farm for lots of armor so you’re stocked up and try farming this level on Hard or Hardest. When you’re ready to level up and get the best weapons in EDF6, this is a very good mission for farming.
Mission 136: The Giant God Comes Crashing
Another amazing level for Hardest or Inferno farming – but one that takes a little practice. In this mission, you’ll fight an army of giant monsters and Kaiju with a team of allies. The allies cannot win this fight alone, so you’ll need to back them up while piloting a giant-sized Armament Barga. What makes this mech special is the killer Copper Cannon ability. Press [L3] and then [Triangle] while the mech is charging to unleash a massive beam attack. This attack can defeat Kaiju in a single hit, and it’s required to win this mission.
Spam the Copper Cannon to wipe out the giants. The mission gets especially tricky when the Ant Queen swarm spawns – use the Copper Cannon fast to exterminate the bugs before you’re overwhelmed. On higher difficulties, you’re very likely to die if you exit the mech in the middle of combat. Because of the challenge, I do recommend going into this mission with 1,000 or even 2,000 armor and a high level vehicle for extra protection while collecting green crates. And I do recommend only going for green crates.
This mission has a relatively low drop rate – while each giant monster will drop lots of crates, actually collecting them can be tough. Your first squad of allies will be destroyed quickly, and a new squad of Armament Barga will be delivered which will be far more useful, so don’t worry about blasting your own allies at the start of the mission. If your own mech is destroyed, you’ll also get a second delivery after a few minutes. Again, you’ll need to survive and losing a mech is basically guaranteed on higher difficulty levels.
The most dangerous wave are the Queen Ants, but the Giant Androids can also be a problem. Be prepared when they appear and use the Copper Cannon on the clustered mechs as they drop to very quickly destroy them and leave a huge pile of crates to collect. After the Androids, you’ll need to defeat more enhanced Kaiju, and the final wave consists of three Sirens. The Sirens actually aren’t too bad despite their speed and can be destroyed by your allies, so after taking down one or two, you’ll want to stop fighting and just focus on collecting crates before the mission is over.
This is one of the best missions for farming high level weapons. There’s a low yield but the advantages here are insane for players with low armor looking to collect the best weapons in the game. The downside is how long this mission can take to complete, but if you’re willing to take the risk, this is one of the best stepping stone missions.
Mission 144: The Next Day 4
Another strong contender that’s very good for farming higher level gear thanks to the crazy ally support you’ll have for the entire mission. This level also has infinite enemy spawns, but the challenge is way too high if you don’t start smashing Teleportation Ships immediately. Bring extreme range weapons to take out the ships from very far away, then leave one or two so you can safely manage the remaining enemies that spawn, collecting the high level gear they drop. An Inferno Sniper Rifle or Rocket Launcher will really go a long way in this mission and keep your allies alive – your allies really make a difference here, especially if you help the Barga take out the Kaiju so it can back you up.
I only recommend this level for high level grinding, but it is one of the best. If you’re not well-equipped, you can always bust down the difficulty for armor farming duties. Many of the extreme difficulty levels near the end are perfect for farming armor due to the insane enemy counts. This level is unique because it’s one of the last, has a lot of NPCs to protect you, and there are infinite enemy spawners you can use to farm forever. Just make sure to take out the spawner that keeps generating new Queen Wasps. You don’t want that kind of heat.
And those are some of the best levels for farming in EDF6. Really, you can farm any and every level – if you’ve got the patience, you might even want to replay every level at every difficulty. That’s the ultimate farming experience and will guarantee you plenty of armor and new weapons to play around with. But if you’re like us and just want those Inferno weapons right now, these are the best missions to replay. We’ve only just started farming and we’re swimming in Inferno weapons already.