20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (2024)

Venture into the vibrant world of animals starting with the letter V, where our exploration has uncovered 20+ fascinating creatures! Join us as we uncover interesting facts and celebrate the uniqueness that these 20+ animals bring to the colorful tapestry of our natural world.

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From the vampire bat, a nocturnal mammal with a taste for blood, to the majestic vulture, a scavenger with a keen sense of smell, the V-kingdom boasts a fascinating array of adaptations and behaviors. We’ll encounter the playful vervet monkey, renowned for its complex social interactions, and the elegant vicuña, a high-altitude dweller prized for its luxurious fleece.

Prepare to be surprised by the vine snake, a master of camouflage that blends seamlessly into its surroundings, and the intriguing viperfish, a deep-sea predator with bioluminescent lures to attract prey.

This exploration is just a glimpse into the remarkable world of V-named animals. So, get ready to be amazed as we delve deeper into their captivating stories, remarkable adaptations, and the essential roles they play in maintaining our planet’s ecological balance.

List Of Animals That Start with V

  1. Vulture
  2. Vampire bat
  3. Vervet monkey
  4. Vicuña
  5. Vietnamese pot-bellied pig
  6. Viper (snake)
  7. Vizsla (dog breed)
  8. Vaquita (porpoise)
  9. Velvet worm
  10. Venus flytrap (although it’s a plant, it catches and consumes insects)
  11. Vesper bat
  12. Vicuña
  13. Vine snake
  14. Violet-backed starling
  15. Virginia opossum
  16. Visayan warty pig
  17. Vulture bee
  18. Vulcan tree cricket
  19. Vandal spider
  20. Variable oystercatcher
  21. Velvet ant (actually a type of wasp)
  22. Velvet gecko
  23. Velvet spider
  24. Verreaux’s sifaka (a type of lemur)
  25. Vervain hummingbird

Valley Bulldog

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (1)
Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Special HabitEnergetic and friendly domestic dog breed
Place of OriginCanada
SizeMedium-sized, around 43 to 61 cm at the shoulder
Commonly Found InDomestic settings as a companion dog
LifespanAround 10 to 14 years
DietOmnivorous, typical dog diet
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to puppies
Conservation StatusNot Applicable

The Valley Bulldog is known for its gentle and affectionate nature, making it an excellent choice as a family pet.

Vampire Bat

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (2)
Scientific NameDesmodus rotundus
Special HabitNocturnal bat known for feeding on blood
Place of OriginAmericas, ranging from Mexico to Brazil
SizeSmall to medium-sized, wingspan around 18 to 23 cm
Commonly Found InCaves, forests, and other roosting sites
LifespanUp to 9 years in the wild
DietHematophagous, feeding on blood from mammals
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to one offspring
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Vampire bats have specialized heat sensors on their nose to detect blood vessels in their prey, aiding in precise feeding.

Vampire Crab

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (3)
Scientific NameGeosesarma species
Special HabitTerrestrial crab with vibrant colors
Place of OriginIndonesia
SizeSmall, carapace width around 2 to 4 cm
Commonly Found InTropical forests, near freshwater sources
LifespanAround 2 to 3 years in captivity
DietOmnivorous, consuming plants and small invertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, laying eggs in burrows
Conservation StatusNot Assessed

Vampire crabs get their name from their striking colors and unique behaviors, resembling the mysterious and mythical nature of vampires.

Vampire Squid

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (4)
Scientific NameVampyroteuthis infernalis
Special HabitDeep-sea cephalopod with bioluminescent features
Place of OriginDeep oceans, worldwide distribution
SizeSmall, mantle length around 15 cm
Commonly Found InOcean depths between 600 to 900 meters
LifespanUp to 3 years
DietCarnivorous, feeding on marine particles and small organisms
ReproductionOviparous, laying gelatinous egg masses
Conservation StatusData Deficient

Despite its name, the vampire squid does not feed on blood; it earned its name due to its dark coloration and cloak-like webbing between its tentacles.


Scientific NamePhocoena sinus
Special HabitCritically endangered porpoise species
Place of OriginGulf of California, Mexico
SizeSmall, around 1.2 to 1.5 meters in length
Commonly Found InCoastal waters of the Gulf of California
LifespanAround 20 years
DietCarnivorous, feeding on fish and squid
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to a single calf every 2 years
Conservation StatusCritically Endangered

The vaquita is one of the rarest marine mammals, with only a few individuals remaining, primarily due to bycatch in illegal gillnets.


20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (5)
Scientific NameCatharus fuscescens
Special HabitSongbird known for its melodious and flute-like song
Place of OriginNorth America, breeding in forests
SizeSmall, around 15 to 18 cm in length
Commonly Found InWooded areas and forests
LifespanUp to 10 years
DietInsectivorous, feeding on insects and spiders
ReproductionOviparous, laying a clutch of eggs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

The veery’s song is often described as ethereal and magical, contributing to its nickname “The Fairy of the Forest.”


Scientific NameVegavis iaai
Special HabitExtinct bird from the Late Cretaceous period
Place of OriginAntarctica
SizeModerate size, similar to modern ducks
Commonly Found InFossil remains discovered in Antarctica
LifespanExtinct species
DietPresumed to be omnivorous
ReproductionPresumed to lay eggs
Conservation StatusExtinct

Vegavis is significant as one of the few bird fossils found in Antarctica, providing insights into the continent’s prehistoric biodiversity.


Scientific NameVelociraptor mongoliensis
Special HabitExtinct theropod dinosaur known for speed
Place of OriginMongolia, China
SizeSmall to medium-sized, around 2 meters in length
Commonly Found InFossil remains found in Central Asia
LifespanExtinct species
DietCarnivorous, likely preyed on small dinosaurs
ReproductionPresumed to lay eggs
Conservation StatusExtinct

Contrary to its portrayal in some movies, Velociraptors likely had feathers, providing insulation rather than the scaly appearance often shown.

Venus Flytrap

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (6)
Scientific NameDionaea muscipula
Special HabitCarnivorous plant with unique trapping mechanism
Place of OriginNative to the southeastern United States
SizeSmall, trap diameter typically 5-6 cm
Commonly Found InSandy and wetland areas of the Southeast U.S.
LifespanPerennial, can live for several years
DietInsectivorous, capturing and digesting insects
ReproductionProduces small white flowers, seed propagation
Conservation StatusNot Evaluated

The Venus Flytrap’s rapid closing of its trap is triggered by sensitive trigger hairs, ensuring it captures only live prey and conserves energy.

Vermilion Flycatcher

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (7)
Scientific NamePyrocephalus obscurus
Special HabitVibrant red-colored bird with aerial hunting skills
Place of OriginThe Americas, from the U.S. to South America
SizeSmall, around 16 cm in length
Commonly Found InOpen areas with perches for hunting
LifespanAround 5 years in the wild
DietInsectivorous, catching insects in flight
ReproductionBuilds cup-shaped nests, lays eggs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Male Vermilion Flycatchers are known for their stunning red plumage, attracting mates with their vibrant color during courtship displays.

Vervet Monkey

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (8)
Scientific NameChlorocebus pygerythrus
Special HabitMedium-sized Old World monkey with distinct coloration
Place of OriginSub-Saharan Africa
SizeSmall to medium-sized, males larger than females
Commonly Found InSavannah and woodland habitats
LifespanAround 12 to 24 years in captivity
DietOmnivorous, feeding on fruits, leaves, insects
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to live young
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Vervet monkeys are known for their expressive faces and vocalizations, using distinct calls to communicate different types of threats from predators.

Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebee

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (9)
Scientific NameBombus vestalis
Special HabitParasitic bumblebee species
Place of OriginEurope and Asia
SizeModerate size, similar to other bumblebees
Commonly Found InVaried habitats, often near host bumblebee nests
LifespanAnnual lifecycle
DietFeeds on nectar
ReproductionParasitizes the nests of other bumblebee species
Conservation StatusNot Evaluated

Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebees lack the pollen baskets found in worker bees, as they rely on parasitizing other bumblebee nests for food and reproduction.


20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (10)
Scientific NameVicugna vicugna
Special HabitWild relative of the llama, known for fine wool
Place of OriginSouth America, particularly the Andes
SizeSmall to medium-sized, shoulder height around 90 cm
Commonly Found InHigh-altitude grasslands of the Andes
LifespanAround 15-20 years
DietHerbivorous, grazing on grasses and plants
ReproductionViviparous, gives birth to a single cria
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Vicuñas are known for their incredibly soft and valuable wool, which is highly sought after for luxury textiles.

Vine Snake

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (11)
Scientific NameOxybelis
Special HabitArboreal snake with slender body
Place of OriginSouthern Mexico to Argentina
SizeModerate size, length varies by species
Commonly Found InForested and wooded areas, often near water
LifespanVaries by species, typically several years
DietCarnivorous, preying on small vertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, lays eggs in secluded locations
Conservation StatusNot Evaluated

Vine Snakes are excellent climbers, using their slender bodies to move easily through branches and foliage.


Scientific NameMastigoproctus giganteus
Special HabitArachnid resembling a scorpion but lacks a tail stinger
Place of OriginNorth and Central America
SizeModerate size, around 6 cm to 8 cm in length
Commonly Found InDesert and scrubland habitats
LifespanSeveral years
DietInsectivorous, preying on insects and other arachnids
ReproductionOviparous, lays eggs in soil
Conservation StatusNot Evaluated

Vinegaroons can emit a vinegar-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism, deterring potential predators.


20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (12)
Scientific NameViperidae (family)
Special HabitVenomous snakes with retractable fangs
Place of OriginWorldwide, except Antarctica, Australia, and some islands
SizeVaries widely by species, from small to large
Commonly Found InDiverse habitats, including grasslands and forests
LifespanVaries by species, some can live over 20 years
DietCarnivorous, feeding on small mammals and birds
ReproductionViviparous or ovoviviparous, giving birth to live young
Conservation StatusVaries by species, some are Least Concern, while others are Threatened

Vipers are known for their heat-sensing pits on their heads, allowing them to detect warm-blooded prey in the dark.

Viper Boa

Scientific NameCandoia aspera
Special HabitNon-venomous boa with a distinctive triangular head
Place of OriginSolomon Islands in the Pacific
SizeModerate size, around 4-5 feet in length
Commonly Found InTropical rainforests and coastal areas
LifespanAround 15-20 years in captivity
DietCarnivorous, preying on small mammals and birds
ReproductionOviparous, lays eggs in secluded locations
Conservation StatusNot Evaluated

Viper Boas are known for their calm demeanor and are popular as pets in the reptile-keeping community.

Viper Shark (dogfish)

Scientific NameVarious species within Squalidae family
Special HabitSmall to medium-sized sharks with spines on dorsal fins
Place of OriginOceans worldwide, mostly in deep waters
SizeVaries by species, generally 1-4 feet in length
Commonly Found InDeep-sea environments, continental slopes
LifespanVaries by species, typically several decades
DietCarnivorous, feeding on fish and invertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, laying eggs in protected areas
Conservation StatusVaries by species, some are Least Concern, while others are Near Threatened

Viper Sharks get their name from the venomous spines on their dorsal fins, though the venom is not harmful to humans.


20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (13)
Scientific NameChauliodus
Special HabitDeep-sea fish with bioluminescent lure
Place of OriginOceans worldwide, in deep, dark waters
SizeSmall to medium-sized, typically 6-12 inches
Commonly Found InDeep-sea environments, below 1,000 meters
LifespanSeveral years
DietCarnivorous, preying on smaller fish and squid
ReproductionOviparous, releasing eggs into the water
Conservation StatusNot Evaluated

The Viperfish uses its bioluminescent lure to attract prey in the pitch-black depths of the ocean.

Virgin Islands Dwarf Gecko

Scientific NameSphaerodactylus parthenopion
Special HabitSmall-sized, nocturnal gecko
Place of OriginVirgin Islands in the Caribbean
SizeVery small, around 2 inches in length
Commonly Found InForested areas and urban environments
LifespanSeveral years
DietInsectivorous, feeding on small insects
ReproductionOviparous, laying eggs in concealed locations
Conservation StatusNot Evaluated

Virgin Islands Dwarf Geckos are expert climbers and can be found on trees, rocks, and buildings.


20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (14)
Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Special HabitEnergetic and versatile hunting dog
Place of OriginHungary
SizeMedium-sized, around 21-24 inches at the shoulder
Commonly Found InHomes as a companion and in hunting fields
Lifespan10-14 years
DietOmnivorous, balanced diet of dog food
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to a litter of puppies
Conservation StatusNot Applicable

Vizslas are known for their affectionate nature and are sometimes referred to as “Velcro dogs” for sticking close to their owners.

Volcano Snail

Scientific NameOpisthostoma vermiculum
Special HabitTerrestrial snail found near volcanic areas
Place of OriginSumatra, Indonesia
SizeSmall, shell diameter around 1 cm
Commonly Found InVolcanic slopes and rainforest floors
LifespanSeveral years
DietHerbivorous, feeding on decaying plant matter
ReproductionHermaphroditic, exchanging sperm during mating
Conservation StatusNot Evaluated

The Volcano Snail’s unique habitat near volcanic areas adds an interesting aspect to its ecology.


Scientific NameMicrotus
Special HabitSmall rodent resembling a mouse
Place of OriginVarious species found worldwide
SizeSmall to medium-sized, around 3-9 inches
Commonly Found InGrasslands, meadows, and forests
LifespanTypically less than a year in the wild
DietHerbivorous, consuming grasses and plants
ReproductionOviparous, giving birth to litters of pups
Conservation StatusVaries by species, some are Least Concern, while others are Near Threatened

Voles are prolific breeders, and some species can have multiple litters in a single year.

Volpino Italiano

Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Special HabitSmall, fluffy companion dog
Place of OriginItaly
SizeSmall, around 9-12 inches at the shoulder
Commonly Found InHomes as a companion
Lifespan12-16 years
DietOmnivorous, balanced diet of dog food
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to a small number of puppies
Conservation StatusNot Applicable

The Volpino Italiano is known for its lively and friendly demeanor, making it a delightful family pet.


20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (15)
Scientific NameVarious species within Accipitridae family
Special HabitScavenging bird of prey with bald head
Place of OriginWorldwide, in various habitats
SizeVaries by species, medium to large
Commonly Found InOpen areas, deserts, and forests
LifespanVaries by species, typically several decades
DietScavengers, feeding on carrion
ReproductionViviparous, laying one or two eggs
Conservation StatusVaries by species, some are Least Concern, while others are Near Threatened

Vultures play a crucial role in ecosystems by helping to clean up and recycle animal carcasses.

To Wrap Up

And there you have it – a delightful journey through the lives of 20+ animals that start with V! Each one, though in modest numbers, contributes to the richness of our planet. Keep your sense of wonder alive, and let’s continue to cherish and protect the homes of these wonderful creatures.

20+ Animals That Start with V - Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts. (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.